joe's wasting your time

Oct 08

one of my favourite things is seeing a white dude attempt to shake hands with a black dude...

ladies...don't believe everything you hear or see on MTV about what men want...always remember that MTV is eveil!!!!

Went to the Murakami exhibit last Sunday...twas great. I need to take advantage of the museums available in Frankfurt. I will miss it if I end up in a small town in Italia.

went to Ikea last night and forgot to buy the one thing I really needed...bad Ikea!!! It always finds a way to suck you back in!!!

I now have two bikes out of commission. The front tire on the afforementioned (big word...what does that actually mean) fahhrad was buckled or crippled or something and is now kaput!

the cleanliness of my flat tonight is just a tad's like a little german garden gnome was in here tidying about!!!

Mona rocks!!!
Just cuz...I love those hands and I love my new camera...
It's fall in FFM.
who's the goof in the window...?

So I was scolded today for my lack of entries of late...Sorry.. I bought 2 picture frames and while trying to ride my bike while holding the picture frames they got caught in the spokes of my bike...2 spokes broken. 1 piece of picture frame glass broken and 1 wooden frame chipped...Good day so far!

and from the wine market...ah winter wine market. Not the same as summer, but abide...

2,0 is trying to snuggle with me it looks like...It was a bit cold, but really your fiancée is right there dude ;)

...and I get accused of being a hand talker sometimes...Julia...

...a selection of the fine things I brought back from the states...

...and from my balcony...

So my apologies to everyone that I said I would drop a note to to let them know I made it home OK....
Note is here!!!!

...and for the reading pleasure...
A story about english language in english language...

and...Europe deals with immigration...

Made it home safe...
I'm very popular with the 8-12 year old set...

BIlly Mays really makes me just want to buy stuff from him...He seems like a nice young man...

I am now checked into my flight...I guess that means I'm really coming home!!!

I was confused the other day that while reading the NYT that the word 'schadenfreude' just sort of showed up in the middle of an article. There was no explanation of what the word meant which must mean this is a common conversational word in america now?
In the context of the article my best guess was that it meant something along the lines of wallowing in bad news/self pity, but apparently it means to take joy in other peoples sorrows...
and now from the country that gave americans 'kindergarten' and 'strudel''s schadenfreude...I'll have to add that to my dictionary...

Family party!!!
61 is like 2 of me...
Nice hat on my Grandpa
Me and me mum
Me and my nan

Had great fun in Portland, but peaked too early ;) First time ever!!!
Visited the Rogue, Deschutes and Henry's...(someone correct me if I'm wrong).

Today was the first frost of the year. It's sunny though and should warm up. I love fall days like this...

tonight...dinner with the family to celebrate the grandparents 61st anniversary.

I have officially purchased too much stuff!!!!

Today going on some brewery walk in PDX with friends (and strangers). Should be good...should have some pics tomorrow...

Got to work the last two days. Was fun and nice to be in the company of some old friends.

Saw lots of family this week, and will see some more this weekend. Didn't have time to see everyone I wanted to see and the rest of the week is basically booked up :(
My mom asked me if I was happy I came back...I guess I am. I'll probably appreciate it when I'm gone or something ;)
So some boring family pics...
David, Zoe, Zach
Aunt Hazel and Uncle Woody
...and me wearing the work uniform...
really gotta take some more pics...

Clinton is coming over from eng-uh-lund in December...

Cheers kati!
btw you are the greatest 'self photo taker' in the history of self photo taking...
cue theme from Deliverance...

So finally took a few pics...
I think these finally prove that Jay's marriage is a shammmmmmm

yeah kati you can put on your teeny bopper clothes, but you're still old ;)
I made it into one...getting a shave apparently...

I had forgotten the joys of a black n tan brownie from McMenamins...mmmm

On the radio some guy said 'at the end of the day' about 12 times in 3 minutes...I also see that depression 2,0 has also shown up on the Internet...I'm going to work really hard to come up with an original idea one of these days...

I'm sitting in the Beanery (coffee shop - free internet) at 6:45 and there are currently two old white haired guys with beards, leather jackets, and berets...they aren't even sitting at the same table...if only I could find a way to export this style back to europe.

Today meeting two or 3 sets of friends, and hope to actually take some pics today.

Happy Unification Day!!!

I'm really annoyed at the need to have a car. It takes me 15 minutes to drive to a coffee shop. I'm used to being 10 seconds walk from my building to the Starbucks. Something is wrong with this country...

Listening to my grandparents mute the VP debate to argue is very cute and amusing. I think they're cancelling each others votes.

On the radio yesterday I heard an ad for a mortgage company referencing the bailout (as yet unpassed) and how that allows them to offer more money to more people etc. etc. etc. So because of the bailout they have a greenlight to répéter répéter répéter...
When it comes will they call it 'Depression 2,0'?

I was accused of having an accent the other day...Not because of inflection, but because of cadence...Hopefully it won't go away before I get back home, but I fear it might already be slipping.

It's been a rather busy trip so far. It feels like I've been here for weeks already.
I've been to two family dinners. Shopped at every interesting store in Salem (that was tiring). Went through boxes of stuff. Met friends, drank coffee...met more friends. remade friends, went to the old office to say hi, took some photos, and had a drink. I'm tired now...
I got carded twice yesterday for attempting to buy alcohol....That and the accent thing are the highlights so far :)
OK that might be some pathetic highlights, but I miss Germany and my people in Germany.
Hi People!!!

It's October in the USA...
For the first time I'm a bit concerned about losing my job. I'm not directly affected by any of the financial problems, but am for sure indirectly (like most) affected by any shutdowns in economies that my company is doing business in...
Hello language school?

I keep being surprised by people that still recognize me after two years. The people at the Starbucks near my old office did, the guy who used to work at Joe Mochas, and is now at Boones...but then I guess if I recognize them they should be able to recognize me...this is a stupid paragraph!!!
I blame my cold!!!