August 2008
31,08,08Julia when asked about the 'georgia situation': "Yeah, that's where General Sherman's boys decided to have a party....."
I at least laughed....I can relate to the 'I have a joke that noone in the room will get, but I'm gonna make it anyways cuz I think it's funny' syndrome... Happens to me all the time ;)
I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one to draw the US invasion of 'Mexico' to Russian invasion of 'Georgia' comparison...Glad to see that America has learned from its past mistakes and is now focused on righting wrongs in the world...'s funny cuz....
So a couple days ago I downloaded the CD of 'Possessed by Paul James'. I saw this dude last year at Dreikoenigskeller with some friends. He was AMAZING and blew me away...Dude was super nice and hung out with us outside between sets. I even managed to invite myself to sit down on the side of the stage as he was coming back from the first set. He said something like 'sure man, then it's more like a living room'. He was so super nice I knew he wasn't being sarcastic or anything.
He is the son of a mennonite (as in not quite amish - but backwards enough) minister. He plays banjo, fiddle, diddley bo (more on that to come), guitar, mandolin, stompbox etc.
So listening to the CD I am amazed again and forgot how great he was. I'm actually surprised by what a pure voice he has when he wants to, and how quite jazzy his singing style is in amongst the sort of traditional old americana musical instruments.
so as promised here's a song with an instrument apparently called a 'Diddly Bo'. The song isn't that great, but interesting for it's use of the instrument.
OK some dude giving us the 'Norm' - too detailed version of what this instrument actually is...kind of interesting if you're into that sort of thing....though I think he's attempting to play the wall at one point ;)
there are more of these types of clips on you tube if you search on it.
One other song from Possesed by Paul James (Paul James is a singer but the name of this dude in the songs is actually Konrad something...). Anyways I love this song cuz you don't hear a lot of mandolin solo songs...The percussion you hear is actually him. If I recall he had some chimes attached to his legs which were also stomping on a box..hmmmm stompbox... ;)
This was filmed in Frankfurt...the recording is the same one off the CD, and you can't really hear percussion on the youtube version, but if anyone wants the CD you can buy it online, or ask me nicely ;)
Here's the trailer of the movie he's in:
Mr and Mrs. 2,0 can you bring back some of those microwave brownie things ;)
Special request from J... :)
...and a story of travelling alone in favorite line...
'I do not recommend asking a German rail attendant a question that requires right-brain activity. He licked his lips and asked, "Shouldn't I be asking you that same question?'
I was at a house party last night talking to Seattle in the corner (the only yanks at the party - were were probably talking about Mexican food at the time cuz that's all Pete and I ever talk about - and I just realized I have two american friends, not just one like I mentioned a few days ago)....Mexico comes up and says 'oh's the oppressors corner'...
My response was 'remember the alamo'...which is possibly my greatest comeback ever :) It was all I could think of and that was probably only because earlier in the day I was attempting to compare Russia's 'defense' of South Ossetia to the American's 'defense' of the free state of texas...
here's an article titled 'Looking for the next South Ossetia'
Georgia does border Turkei...I was wrong on that one...
I downloaded some Flogging Molly yesterday. I used to listen to them in the States, but got bored and when I started listening to the Pogues again I couldn't go back to Flogging Molly, but after a long break from hearing them I really like them again...
Watched a movie called the proposition and it might be the best western I've ever seen. It takes place in Australia an the feeling of desolation shown in that movie is so much more sweeping than I've seen in anything up to this point. Credit the Australian landscape and the Aussie, Irish and brit actors. Great performances. Great scenery. Well shot!
I had all sorts of things to write, but no time this I'm just going to summarize and I know it won't make sense...
1) The weather - still raining and cloudy almost everyday...the trees seem confused. I think we've gotten more rain in June, July, August than in the first 5 months of the year combined.
2) apfelecke...mmmmm
3)I found a 'proper grocery store' on the way to work...then I started thinking about how small it actually in...In the states you can't find proper stores this small...It's about twice the size of a large convenience store in the states...but has meat, a bakery, alcohol, and fresh produce...strange eh...I still have to go almost every day (sometimes twice a day) because I only have my backpack to carry stuff home in.
4) My US friend (there's really only one of you...)...I'll call him "ERIC"*** (***not his real name) says he is voting for McCain "because he's not a real republican" and "he's not religious"...why is he playing one...Knowing that he's a hypocrite and then expecting him to change after he's elected yet still voting for him...politicians is politicians...I'd rather vote for an honest person that I completely disagreed with then a lying one who I completely agree with...
5)Why can't foreign born US Citizens be president? The first 7 presidents were not, and I guess it's true...they were all crap...Martin vanBuren was the first president born on US soil and as far as I'm concerned he IS the first president of the US ;) oooh sarcasm...
If McCain could have Schwarzenegger as his VP maybe I could get behind him...
6) 'schwanzgesteurt' is my new Deutsch word of the day...translates to 'dick driven' or 'he thinks with his balls'....I love my colleagues... :)
7) The nice relaxing visit I had planned to the states is getting very much for relaxing eh???
I've seen 2,0 for the last 3 days in a row...Cheers for doing my taxes mate!
He wanted me to write an epic blog entry about him...all I can think of at the moment is how I beat him at scrabble for 2 days in a row...I win you lose!!!!
I'm just going to go ahead and be embarrassed for you dude...
...Besides you only read this once every 4 months...I won't have to mention the s.p. for a while then eh?
So I've been downloading some music this weekend (legally even!)...
The albums I've gotten...
Cracker w/ Leftover Salmon - O cracker where art thou - Great...bluegrass versions of their own it!
The Dead Brothers - Wunderkammer - These guys are on the same label as C.W. Stoneking (pre war 20's calypso blues)...this is a gem. Closest/simple comparison is Tom Waits...but imagine if Tom Waits had only good songs...This is what it would be like...recommended...if anyone wants a listen lemme know.
I suppose I could also say this is overproduced Stoneking songs with a full band...but then I suppose that sort of describes Tom Waits as well...
Todd Snider - East Nashville Skyline - Love it! With songs like 'Tillamook County Jail' and 'the Ballad of the Kingsmen' he sometimes reminds me of Oregon. Just found out today he was born in Portland. Did not know that...great folk/Country singer...great album.
Zeno Tornado & the Boney google Brothers - Lover of your Dreams - Also same label as Stoneking and the Dead Brothers...Sort of covers the country/Rockabilly crossroads, but much better than the straight rockabilly bands you find about all the time (though they aren't bad either, but they do get repetitious after a bit). This I think I will be listening to for a while...probably because it's more country/bluegrass than rock n roll...recommended as well of course (else I wouldn't have downloaded it I suppose...)
Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely - Better than their first album...
Forced 2,0 and Katja to watch Ricky Gervais series 'Extras' this weekend. Great show...I saw the first series in the States, but had never seen in on DVD here until last week...snapped up the season 1 DVD immediately. That was the only season they had so I am still waiting for season 2 (and no idea if there was a season 3). For anyone who doesn't know who Gervais is - he was one of the creators of The Office...that's the British one...not the american one...
Read a far lefty blog who is convinced McCain wins...this is a great election it!!!
A couple weeks ago they set up a travelling carnival along the river. I had to ride my bike through there twice a day...I couldn't help but notice the quality of the people milling about at the travelling carnivals. About the same as in the states...A large collection of otherwise unemployable people. Glad to know that no matter what country I end up in I always have the circus as a fallback...
Imagine the job application...
(please answer honestly. However if you check 'no' to any question you will not be qualified to work for us).
1) When you were in prison did you have any tattoos applied?
Yes (+5 points)
No (-10 points)
n/a (-10 points)
2) Are you now or have you ever been addicted to any illegal or prescription substances?
Yes (+5 points)
No (-10 points)
3) How many teeth have you lost
3a) How did you lose the teeth
Laziness (+1 point)
Fightin' (+1 point)
other (+2 points)
all of the above (+5 points)
I don't know (+10 points)
4) Why are you applying for this job
1) To better myself in hopes of becoming a productive member of society
(-1000000 points)
2) My parole officer said I had to... (+0 point)
Have you ever fallen asleep whilst smoking and caused damage to either you or your surroundings?
Yes (+5 points)
No (-5 points)
Have you ever skipped child support payments?
Have you ever gotten pregnant but didn't know who the father was?
Have you ever been shot out of a cannon?
this idea has lost steam...I'm bored with my own idea...please someone finish this for me and send it back to me ;)
Part II
so I'm following this U.S. election with my usual aplomb...I love politics as soap opera, but don't get emotionally involved except when I get pissed/annoyed at stupid people...
IMO it would honestly be a huge upset if McCain actually won this year.
...Me always more viewing the big picture is much more interested in the long term repercussions for the US two party system etc.
Can you imagine the disarray of the republicans if McCain loses?
They accidentally nominated the most centrist, decent candidate they possibly realistically could have (jayssssus can you imagine Huckabee as the nominee right now?) and if McCain loses what will those dissatisfied religious voters do in 4 years? They got the centrist-ish candidate they didn't want and he still lost...they won't possibly compromise their 'values' even more in 4 years. will they backlash and get behind a 'real' conservative candidate in 4 years only to lose that election as well (you have to expect the economy will be better in 4 years, and after the democratically controlled house and senate actually pass things that will help middle class voters, those crazy fiscally responsible democrats won't be so distasteful to the football mom skeptics who aren't so sure this time)...?
anyways point is...If Obama wins this year he will win re-election...and my best case scenario is that people realize the two party system is crap...the religious wackos will vote their own party, the progressive wackos will vote their own party, and the reasonable dems, pubs will just merge...
anyways ultimate goal...proportional everyone gets a voice...
then I can complain about people having a voice that are stupid and don't deserve to have a voice, but that argument can wait for 50 years... I said...politics as soap opera much more interesting then politics as extension of my emotions...
I am embarrassed to say I got one of those anti Obama emails the other day...went to snopes and it turns out to be a lie...
in the email it actually said this:
I have no way of confirming the Truth of this e-mail, so I suggest you ask our HOLY SPIRIT if it is true or not as HE WAS THERE
yeah...bad HOLY SPIRIT!!! very bad HOLY SPIRIT!!!
(that was bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E....very bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.)
If this is considering 'campaigning' these days then I just can't approve of any of it...
Part III
I signed up for an e-music account today...I'm legal now...anyone have music suggestions for me?
I'm incapable of riding home from Bornheim in an orderly fashion...I always end up in some part of the city I've never been to or heard of...

Julia: You're like a hot jesus....
Ok I'm probably going to ban julia from this page cuz all she ever does is say nice things about me...good for my already over inflated ego... ;)
what's up cheese or giving up chocolate?
I say cheese, no contest...cheese is the cornerstone of any good diet...
this blog is going downhill....
oh nevermind...that implies it was slightly uphill at some point....
I wasn't really that eager to get back to the states, but now that I've booked the flight I'm very excited to show up there...will be good times...
Apparently I'm becoming slightly domesticated...but I can't take any credit for it ;)
my flat is clean, and I'm happy...I can also not take any credit for that I think....
so Friday was Kat's at MacGowans....

Happy Birthday kat!
Yesterday Julia took me to a Japanese garden...quite nice...made me think of mmom. She would have loved it.
so apparently the olympics ha...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
so I think I booked a flight to the states at the end of september...waiting for a confirmation email, but it looks good....SOOOOooooooo....if anyone needs anything from there let me know...just make me a list and give me cash...
I am for the first time concerned about americas strengthening dollar...Is it possible to vote for a third bush term so the dollar continues it's slide...what??? Only two terms...psshhhhawwwwwwwwww....
So who can I vote for that will continue deficit spending et al....?
what...the election is in November...crap!!! Ok nevermind...your president doesn't affect me...
I will be bringing da noise and da funk back to america!!!!
it's party's excellent!!!!
so I'll be attempting to stay in for the next 2 months...if anyone needs me I'll be hiding in my flat...
I was sent a flat, melted candy bar from the states today...nice to know some of my colleagues are still remembering me...jerks!!! ;)
see you soon....
America...moving towards the metric system one inch at a time...
(as told to me by a cuban that lives in Canada...wish I could take credit for that one...)
So it's pres campaign season in the states - as even the Europeans know (Stop caring who the president of the US shouldn't affect you).
As is typical we hear about the lies, campaign promises, flip flops, complaints about media treatment etc. The issues change, but the pattern does not...
It's time for a new method to elect a president. Instead of listening to campaign promises and deciding who to vote for based on whatever words happen to be coming out of the candidates mouths at whatever moment you were paying attention to them why not vote based on psychological profile of a particular candidate?
Do a profile of every candidate to test things that might be important qualities to have in a president like: lying ability, paranoia, trustworthiness, scepticism, optimism, compassion, hunger, bullying ability, pragmatism, nationalism, empathy, competitiveness, artistic ability, moral ambiguity, persuasiveness, salesmanship, sense of humour, etc
...and certain facts could be taken into account...Grades, birth order, achievements.
Of course someone will have to decide which of those qualities are actually important in a president...(any ideas people what are those qualities? Send me an email...).
it'll give the pundits something new to talk
about....all previous presidents could have this same sort of
analysis/profile done and that could be used to compare current
candidates with previous presidential qualities...
"well Chuck, we haven't seen a president with a paranoia level this
low since Lincoln...if only HE'D been a little more paranoid..."
Pundit: :
"well Chuck, we haven't seen a president this
hungry since Taft".
(that line is sort of assuming that "Chuck Russert" reaches his potential)
Question 1: Do you see the hypocrisy of one nation having a weapon, using that weapon and then telling other countries it's wrong for them to have that type of weapon because they might actually use it?
Let the primaries go on as
normal, so the mindless/stupid people could just blindly vote for
their parties choice, but after a few election cycles there would be
patterns emerging...A republican who has great lying ability, is
high in compassion...well you get the idea...
There would even be no need to campaign anymore...the people that
wanted to be educated could read their voter pamphlets...and the
ones that didn't want to be educated could just do whatever they're
...OR another option would be
the "choose your own adventure" method...give the candidates the
same choose your own adventure book and see how each of them would
do in a certain scenario...yeah that's a good one too...
Best result of this test
would be that "americas best and brightest"
might actually run for president...As it is now the people that run
for president are politicians...lying, cheating, diving bastards...
This might be the greatest idea for a thesis I've ever had...or possible I might just call 'bullshit' on myself...
02,08,08Ok for the people in the states, if you have a chance check this guy out. Pretty amazing and touring over there at the moment....
shows in Eugene, Portland and seattle next month.
I went to Ikea yesterday...bought everything I needed "and then some"...evil bad ikea!!!
red: "the way you describe your mom makes me think of joni mitchell".
my ma...a big hearted 60's icon....erm...not sure (hi mom :) )
someone: My first impression of you is that you have a big heart, but are kind of lost in this world...
me: oh that's goin on my blog...
someone: you have such an ego!
there you have it...big ego, big heart, lost...
I was listening to cracker again this week...some of the best, most cynical, hilarious, obnoxious lyrics ever written...samples from different songs...
how can I live without you if it means I gotta get a job?
Here I am the game warden of love,
'til someone took away my gin and tonic...
cuz what the world needs now are some true words of wisdom,
like la la la la la la la lala
St. Patrick led the sailor into the wasteland
A herd of swine surrounded them one day
It was the answer to their prayers, a sure sign that God, he cared
But McCarthy disagreed: it's not that simple
If I had a gun for every ace I have drawn,
I could arm a town the size of Abilene...
really valuable trivia...
The swan is the only bird with a penis...
a whales penis is called a dork...