Those of you who live in a country where you don’t speak the language know what I’m talking about.
I’ve been going to this trinkhalle/convenience store/italian coffee shop for weeks now (before I even moved here – it’s the closest one to the flat where I’m staying)…anyway she knows I don’t speak Italian and I could never quite figure out if she liked me or hated me (or was drunk), as we’ve had a few small interchanges in the past…she’s the one who taught me “tiepido” (not on purpose- it just kind of happened when I tried to order a latte macchiato).
So tonight I stop in on my way to dinner and she decides to have a conversation with me…she knows I don’t speak Italian so my contribution was basically “io non capisco” (I don’t understand). Yet she kept talking. So I got to really practice my italian by saying “io non capisco” 3 times or so…I have no idea if she was insulting my mother or just being nice to me. I’m not sure if I should go back or not…she intimidates me even though she’s about 1 meter tall and weighs 30 kilos…