let’s talk about the weather…

I think we finally hit 20° this week. Except for a short thunderstorm today the weather seems to have taken a turn for the good. There’s a guitar festival down the road this weekend. I’ll either try to hit that or take some other short road trip to Cinque Terra or something.

C.W. Stoneking on tour around Europe this summer…I saw him in Frankfurt a couple years ago…great show. Great music! Who’s up for a road trip?

It’s sort of like springtime.

I heard birds singing today.

…and cheers Matt for sending me the Stoneking 7 Nation Army cover. I couldn’t find it on youtube, but since I was looking I’m gonna post a couple vids of him.

Saw this guy as well at a little club in Frankfurt. There was about 30 people there I think. Great show!

The below clip was apparently with a borrowed guitar (hence the new strings and problems).

This is great…When I have nothing to say I’m just going to keep annoying the Italians with music clips…

apparently he’ll be in Portland July31-Aug2 in case anyone around there reads this and made it this far 😉


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