Why co-ops are the future of the American economy via @ajam alj.am/1wfkeY6
Why co-ops are the future of the American economy via @ajam alj.am/1wfkeY6
Armchair merchant sailors, your drone ship may pull in soon ars.to/1p7oJM2
Dear pizzaman, you don’t deserve holidays. Shame on your family for taking you away. I’ll be rethinking our relationship. See you in a week!
DNA reveals a horrifying miscarriage of justice in North Carolina. By @Dahlialithwick slate.com/articles/news_… via @Slate
These 3-D Printed Skeleton Keys Can Pick High-Security Locks in Seconds | Threat Level | WIRED wired.com/2014/08/3d-pri…
World’s First 3D Printed Castle is Complete – Andrey Rudenko Now to Print a Full-size House 3dprint.com/12933/3d-print…
That feeling when all you want is #pizza but when you arrive there are 12 people in line so you just turn around and go home empty and alone
With New Delivery Service, Uber Declares War on Google and Amazon | Business | WIRED wired.com/2014/08/uber-c…
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