Good geek discussion…

I had nothing to do at work this afternoon, so I took the opportunity to just take half a day off…and the reward for dear reader is that you get to hear me talk about the weather (and also read that link)…

Uhhh…It hasn’t really rained since October. We had massive flooding then, and several dead bodies that floated their way to France. It’s been absolutely great since then. A colleague told me this has been the driest winter in 20 years (that’s purely anecdotal – I have no way to confirm that). There is no snow on the mountain (there was this time last year).
I guess the jet stream will change or is changing…after writing this boring entry I need a nap 😉

Except that’s it’s almost 5 now, and I am wondering when the pizzeria opens…Might be time to go scavenging!

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