Wait…that’s sarcasm…
I’ll be interested to see how that turns out. I assume there’s a lot more detail to come. The soldier would have immediately stated he was a US citizen. Did the torturers/contractors just not bother to check out his story?
I like the part about being dumped at Baghdad airport and left to find their own way home…Where is the tea party in all this (and the whole Bush II administration)?
Not being a legal scholar I’m not sure how the constitution applies to US citizens in a warzone. I assume it should still apply esp. when in US custody, but maybe that’s a legal out for Rummy, Bush et al…
However, I would hope that if another country treated US citizens like the US treats it’s own citizens then someone in my govt. would be pissed!
Why sue Rumsfeld? The whole truth is not in view here.
I wondered the same thing, and also am waiting for the whole truth.
Why not sue Bush? But then I suppose since Obama isn’t so far from Bush (continued policies) that he would be in essence suing a sitting president. I’m not sure how successful that would be…
Hi, Just saw something which might be off topic, crude, but is very funny and right on. Hope you can find it on facebook….a guy who does comedy…..Felonious Munk…have you heard of him…
I heard of him from going to Dudge report then onto BLAZE at the bottome left of druge page…look quick as it might be going away….very funny The name says it all!!!!!!
Maybe I WAS hasty, I saw only the STOP it B on Blaze….his others are harder to understand….
well, right off I see in his name that he’s already ripping of Thelonious Monk who is one of the jazz greats…but no, I’ve not heard of this guy….I’ll have a look. If he’s on Drudge I can already guess that I won’t like it, but as always I’ll try to be open minded about it when I watch…
I watched this guy and I actually laughed out loud…I’m sitting by myself. I guess if one is watching something by themselves and laughs out loud it’s a good sign. It was a funny rant…