
I got a ride after work Friday afternoon to the train station to skip off London way…I made it…plane was late. I slept on the plane. Stansted is NOT a glorified shed despite all you’ve read about it. It’s a proper airport and walking across it was on par with a forced march.
I arrive at Liverpool street after an hours worth of texts from Matt telling me first the pub is closing…then the station is closing…I find him chatting with some saffa and realize if he’s chatting up random saffas then he’s been on the drink for a while already 😉

We get back to his place at about 1:30? Complaining about how early we have to get up tomorrow (He’s set his alarm for 6:30). We promptly decide to crack on cider, and end up watching a recording of the game 6 NBA finals game until about 4:15 or so…No need to go into the details in the morning…we woke up late and missed the train to Nottingham by about 8 minutes.
Normally it wouldn’t matter, but we had first class reserved seats…so we get on the next train in the non-first class section.
Arrive Nottingham expecting that we were going to stay with Jeff and see  he’s got more luggage than either Matt or I.
“We’ll talk about it over a beer”….<enter nearest pub>. We can’t stay at his place…turns out the pub we’re in rents rooms…sorted!!!

see pics below for Nottingham…

back Sunday to London with intentions to see Foy Vance…Matt has tickets…being as the previous day was quite long we both sort of shrug off the gig. I think this was the right decision 😉 I feel asleep watching the Exorcist…I had never seen the whole thing before…In fact being as I fell asleep…I still haven’t seen the whole thing…

Matt worked from home on Monday, so he dumped me off on the bus to Liverpool Street…I bought a bunch of books and DVDs (Stansted has a very nice shopping area inside security) and made the plane.
So I made it home about 11:30 and there are no buses or taxis that late, and I start walking (expecting about an hours walk) and at the exact moment I’m walking by Leo’s flat Leo drives up. He gave me a ride home which was fantastic!

I always feel really refreshed after a trip…I think I’m happiest when I’m travelling. or maybe its just when I’m travelling with friends…I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.

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