solipsistic twits

Two good articles…
well if it says “Yes. This is real.” then I know it is… 😉 No matter…I want one…

I’m about to make an obvious observation, but I haven’t seen it anywhere else yet (but just cuz I haven’t seen it doesn’t mean smarter/dumber people than I have already said it – I’m sure they have)…
There are a lot of states with open primaries (meaning people of any party can vote in the primary). Since I don’t really expect Obama to receive a serious primary challenge, that means a lot of dems/independents will cross over and vote for… (gasp) Mitt Romney. I assume that’s the point of his lately moderating positions (on climate and health care)…Mitt will win his parties nod and there will be a semi serious 3rd candidate that gets into double figures (10%) from Mitt’s right…Obama wins! I don’t foresee myself going to an embassy to vote, but if I did I would just blindly vote to Obamas left…

and and mom you should get a gmail account. There’s no reason to use the email address from your ISP (meaning WVI, AOL etc)…you need an email account that you can keep no matter where you’re getting your internet service from…

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