First beach trip of the season…I didn’t really fit in on the beach as usual 🙂
Had a couple work dinners this week…free company food is great!!! Italian food is great!!!
Having Mexican food tonight!!! Great!!!
Vespa fixed, Norway plans fixed. Probably going to Bologna and Venice this month! Life is good!!! 😀
You should be an Italian speaker by now.
If you have to change vocations, perhaps hospitality would be a good fit.
Hi, While your in Bolonia, stop AND get some pasta with the local regional sauce on it, it is supposed to be wonderful….love ya mom and jackson
I think what americans call spaghetti sauce is what the rest of europe calls Bolognese (you’ll see spaghetti bolognese on menus all over europe – except in Italy)….
I’m not so hospitable to people I don’t like 🙂 I think that disqualifies me…besides hospitality doesn’t pay at all…I could make more teaching english. But, I don’t foresee changing jobs or countries in the near future. I’ll be here as long as they let me…