An interview with Mark Pauly, father of the individual mandate
(G.W. Bush administration)
and one of the articles linked from that article….
I think myself and most people are are not able to read, understand and compare the bill with the just passed health care bill. My opposition to the health care law is based on principal, not a good understanding of all its details. They should have addressed some key problems in a small bill.
if you’re a Libertarian and oppose any govt activity on principle that’s one thing…I think there’s a religious (or christian if you prefer) case to be made for health care or to be against war (I’m not going to make either case. I’m sure someone has).
My point was that the so called “socialist” democrats are pretty far to the right…They used existing private insurers and industry to solve a problem, without creating much (there is some, no doubt) new government.
They made rules and force the existing health industry to meet those requirements. That is a position of the right. I really don’t like the republicans reactions to it. They are insincere (to put it midly).
I’m curious to hear what you think are the “key problems”…
I like parentheses…
I’m smarted than u…