“We believe that the decisions of how to deal with the massive asteroid are best left to the individual,” King added.
Gotta love the Onion!
“We believe that the decisions of how to deal with the massive asteroid are best left to the individual,” King added.
An asteroid would be an appropiate issue for a government to deal with. No one in this country goes without health care.
God rejectors use issues as a pretext for implementing an anti-God (anti-Christ) agenda. One fundamental of the implementation is the weakening of the US so as to move into a post Western (Christian) Civilization. That is the secularization of all world cultures. That is an anti-Christ world view. That is why the atheist political left and media – promotes; seeking to enable, any none-Christian institution or world view.
Do you know how paranoid you sound???
Well, first off being able to go to an emergency room is NOT “health care”. To me that’s an oft repeated lie!!!
I believe that every person in the world has the same worth…i.e. A poor person in China is no more or less valuable (should have the same rights) as a rich white guy in America. That is not anti-god, anti-religion or a conspiracy. That is my own conclusion I’ve come to in my life, and that drives my politics and personal beliefs. One could also re-phrase that as being pro-life (though not in the sense that americans use it).
I believe you would allow SP to give a speech. The first impulse of the atheist left is suppression and control. That is why Cain killed Abel. I did not mean to imply you are a atheist leftist.
I am an atheist leftist, and again I have to disagree…as an example I’d saw look at wikileaks. You saw that I defended it here. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m all for free information and freedom of thought…
Actually I didn’t say that forcefully enough…there was no critiscism from the left re: wikileaks….It was all from the right!!!!
I should probably use CAPS to try and make my point….but alas, I go on. You’re completely wrong about the Left suppressing and controlling. That is ridiculous!!! It’s quite the opposite.