mundaneness…mundanity…what’s the italian word?

I made it to class for the second day in a row…I have forgotten everything that I theoretically may have learned…
really the highlights of the class is when Maria yells at someone (besides me) and then the class and Maria all burst out laughing at the same time…

I had an aborted conversation with a waitress tonight…about 60 seconds of her reminiscing about a time this summer when she had tried to talk to me, but was apparently unable to correctly convey her thoughts…I didn’t really get it…By the end we had two waitresses (waitressi?) and two italian/english dictionaries out so she could try to figure out what she was actually trying to say…I’m sure it was amusing, but after a minute or two she just said “niente”…which is more or less “nevermind”…and the second waitress was faithfully backing up her friend and immediately said something like “thank you. Good night”
Me: “…ummmm…….Really…OK…bye…”
I left with a bemused look on my face.
Tho I guess it’s not so often that you leave a pub with a bemused look on your face. It must have been good…luckily I don’t feel obligated to tip at this place.

Random out of context quote: “If you learned italian you I promise you would get laid 10x more than you are now.”
me: “10 x 0 = 0”

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