This is probably the most “-” heavy entry of all time. Good things I’m studying languages now ;)

So as I was thinking about the doting Italians it occurs to me that really everyone is treating me quite well (maybe too well – it’s like someone sent out a memo at work saying “be nice to Joe. He has no friends” 😉 ). I almost feel like everyone is treating me as a son, brother, cousin, close friend etc. even though I am none of those things.
I’m not quite sure if this is normally how Italians treat each other, but it’s a bit odd to me (not bad – actually it’s great).

It made me think of how pretty girls (or beautiful people – if you will) often get preferential treatment on a daily basis. You see a nice looking person in need and you’re more inclined to help them.
If this sort of behaviour starts when you’re 4 years old and continues for your whole life you would consider it “normal”, but when you’re 30-something and it suddenly starts it’s confusing to say the least.

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