Bella Ciao!

Somehow Bella Ciao is a communist anthem. I think it was something to do with opposition to the fascist govt in ww2, but I can’t recall all the details…anyways Happy Workers day to anyone that cares!

I bought 1kg of cheese from Sardegnia (1/4 of a round wheel). I am very fond of cheese, so this seemed like a good idea at the time…so now I conclude that I have to eat the cheese. There’s no other food in the house except for an unopened bag of cereal.
I still have yet to actually cook a meal in Italy. Cheese cubes for dinner me thinks….

Some Italian bird said she can actually understand my english cuz I speak clearly…ha…it’s not that often that I get accused of speaking clearly. Just a fluke I s’pose.

This week I had learned the Italian words for:
“large breasted old lady”
“lady with large ass”
“landing strip”

Fortunately for the Italians I have forgotten these words. Someone will have to remind me if you deem this truly necessary 😉

Weather today is lousy. I’ve not left my flat except to go kebap-hunting. I can’t really see me leaving since I have cheese to eat and wine to drink…

I’m also concluding that if I say something without acting excited and waving my hands around the Italians probably won’t take me seriously…If I speak slowly and calmly about anything important or life threatening they won’t really listen to me.

…and Bella Ciao sung by the bloody multi-lingual swissies…showing off one of the 29 languages they can sing in…

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