So today had to do something with my health insurance. Always an adventure to do beauracracy in a country where you don’t speak the language. The staff was quite helpful even though they didn’t really talk to me. They were not nearly as helpful to the homeless guy who came in right after me.
btw…why does everyone giggle after they say “American boy”. I feel like there’s some inside joke I’m missing out on…
As in “oh…so you are an american boy <giggle>”.
I also picked up the Vespa today. Thanks Piero!
Bit scary to ride at first, but after a few minutes not so bad. At least I didn’t kill it while trying to start from traffic lights. Did have to make my way through the crowd of youngsters hanging out near my flat. They didn’t seem to know that not getting out of my way was putting their own lives in jeopardy, but hey that ones not really my problem is it 😉
…and tonight was listening to the Reverend Horton Heat. Great guitarist. If I had a guitar with a tremelo would I be good? Is he the only guitarist that actually uses a tremelo these days?
He never looks like he’s concentrating or making any kind of effort.
Yes. It is the lack of a tremolo standing in between you and greatness :o)
I think i know two songs which require a tremolo for a combined total of about 0.3 seconds… My leccie guitar back home had one on there but was so cheap that the instant you used it you could just here a twang of 3 of your strings going various directions away from ‘in tune’.