Got my Vespa insurance today. This means I can drive the Vespa as soon as the weekend. I have not driving anything two wheeled with a motor since I was about 10.
Let me rephrase that…I haven’t driving anything with two wheels and a motor for 25 years.
Any statement that starts with “I haven’t” and ends with ….”for 25 years…” Pretty much is a sign that you are an old fogey. It’s funny – there’s not a lot of sentences I can form that end in …”for 25 years”, but the list of things you can say that about only ever gets bigger. I’m pretty sure it’s not capable of shrinking.
I’m also pretty sure that I’ve completely lost my mojo…
…and my favourite opening line of a song I’ve heard in the last week:
“He was trapped in a haircut he no longer believed in”
Billy Bragg – King James Version
Practice before driving in traffic.
Cross railroad tracs or any unusual surface at a steady speed and direction, ie don’t speed up, slow down, brake or turn while crossing them. Consider anything other than dry asphalt or concrete as requiring slower speeds and gentler turns. Wear sturdy shoes and full coverage clothing and gloves. If anything isn’t working properly,
get it repaired right away,
must be all that sunshine/seritonan release to the brain…and listen to your dad…..good advice…..have a good day….KID…..YOUR ONLY 18 years OLD with 17 years expirience sp…becareful riding….love you
I so wanted to rip into you for this one but now i can’t cause everyone else was being all sensible.
Joe’s parents: Can you teach my parents how to comment? My Mum sent me an email asking what a tag was and that it confused her. I don’t think my dad can be bothered reading mine to be honest. I live vicariously through your involvement on Joe’s…
i think a list of things that “I haven’t done for 25 years..” would shrink if you started doing stuff :o)
“I haven’t asked a Romain barmaid to accompany me to my mates birthday in Frankfurt for 25 years…”
I hate to have to tell you this, but your parents probably don’t love you. I’m sure if your sister had a blog they would be posting multiple times per entry 😀
I haven’t won a spelling bee in over 25 years…
I haven’t gotten last place in a talent show for breakdancing in over 25 years…
I think you’re telling me to breakdance and spell in contests…hmmm. I see this ending in tears.