I saw a 2 year old who was just repeating poppy! wo bist du?
I have a way better vocabulary than you, you 2 year old brat! Learn to speak!!! 😉 I’ve been here less than 2 years and I have 3 times the vocabulary that you do…
a colleague actually brought in sesemestrasse CD with songs from the show…I knew the english versions of some of the songs from watching as a child. So far today I’ve learned fledermaus (bat), keks (cookie), and nimm (take).
I’ve noticed that telling someone to “calm the F*ck down” rarely has the desired calming effect. 😉 especially if you say it with any amount of uncalmness in your voice…
my lawn-mower is from 1974 because the cord is 3 meters long…
kat: Mow the lawn bitch!!!!
kat: (probably immediately after calling Pete and I Mork n Mindy)…I just insulted both of them at once…it’s called time management…
It was quickly determined that I am in fact Mork…so things could be worse for me…
I buckled saffas bike but Seattle Crippled it…this sounds like bad wrestling…Tonight the Buckler vs. The Crippler…Seriously saffa…what kind of genius wants to drive around grown men on the back of his bike?….6-0
remember that time you leaned your bike against the bike rack and forgot to lock it??? 6-0
- game, set, match!
- the bike has been buckled and cripped…but not in the same day…
- at the beach…
Kat: may the beer flow 6-0 (say it six love enough times and it becomes funny…)