Excuse me sir. Have you the time?

Things I learned this week:

My friends will call me at 3:30 am when they’re at shooters without me…even though they know I’m sleeping.
They will tell me anything at all just to get me there (there’s a midget and a girl with MS). My friends know what I like. Even though there was no one with MS nor midgets…LIARS!!!!
They will keep calling until I answer.
If I need to sleep I must remember to turn my phone off.

Do not drink Red Bull/anything after 3 AM…bad news bears. I don’t like sleeping until at least 6 am. Luckily it’s the weekend.

when my friends come over for movies, we won’t necessarily watch movies…
however we will order pizza so my flat stinks for a week…
900 bottles will magically appear in my kitchen because I don’t know how to get rid of them.

When someone says to me “Squires, what’s up” and I ignore them they might keep talking to me.

good doesn’t exist without evil.

The bartenders get to drink on the job on new years eve. Viva la Deutschland.

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