Short and sweet?

Just got back today from the shortest business trip ever. Thank you RyanAir for having such cheap travel that it makes economic sense to go work in another country for 3 days.
I had a great time hanging out with Alexei the Ukranian. I have to say he’s my new favourite Ukranian. We chatted about cultural stuff mostly. I gave him some of my odd music which he will take back to the Ukraine and spread (he’s a new missionary).

He had some funny observations that I liked:
“We did not have comic books in the old days. This was the main difference between the Soviet Union and the US”.

“The Italians are very fashionable in their clothes, but not with their cars”

“the Italians will dress very normally, but spend all their money on a nice pair of boots”

He took a billion pictures of Massa and the area then gave them to me. I didn’t ask his permission to post them, but I’ll at least give him credit.

Here’s two that I’m in and the rest are here


I saw no 60 year old men in speedos!!!
I’m off for sailing this weekend in the Netherlands. This should be fun. I’m taking the camera so pics will be posted!

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