My phone told me it was still 30° at 11PM last night. I didn’t sleep very well. It was HOT!!! It’s still HOT!!!
I think all went well at the Questura today (with the work permit). 2 more years of uncertainty and immigrant life! I can’t really ever settle until or unless I have a permanent status…I’ll just keep enjoying it (cept when it’s hot…then I’ll just be complaining).
Apparently Hendrix and Bruce Lee are buried in Seattle…
Apparently I’ll be going…
I got lost – I thought phone is to talk by and temperature is measured by thermometer 😛
Anyway – do not complain!!! I wore my wellingtons, hooded sweatshirt and jeans yesterday – do you want to replace?
Here in the west we have phones with thermometers, potholes, graffiti, and vodka 😉
I’d love to be wearing a hooded sweatshirt right now!!! Stupid heat! We can switch after Septemberfest…
it’s not so bad if you want to stay there till September 😛 (we have better beer than Italy ;))