So just to end the cliffhanger from last night…yes I took a beer down to Daniele. It wasn’t much of a chore…I had to walk about 200 meters. Hmmmm….I suppose I should be taking advantage of living this close to the sea.
I just had a beer while  he fished, but he ran out of worms, so being the resourceful lads that we are, we decided to catch a crab to use as bait. This was done with remnants of a worm still on a hook and a net…I’ve just observed that live crabs don’t make good bait. I assume they just crawl into a rocky space and hang out under the water…
Depends where you are…and what the local fish feed on. I caught a shark on the weekend with live crab…well it was alive before we chopped it in half…i guess it was still half alive…
you’ve taken up fishing?!? I can’t really see it…If you like that sort of thing we could probably do it in the states too…
I used to fish as a kid but last weekend was the first time in 15 years. When are you going to fix up the need to approve all comments? And can you ‘You can also subscribe without commenting.’ I don’t see how? I am stupid internet user…