Have a nice day! run Vespa run!!! 3pm football

So a waitress said “have a nice day” to me today…In english. She’s Romanian so her english is waaay better than average. I thought nothing of it at first and said “you too” without thinking….
On the way out tho it occurred to me that I haven’t heard those words in a while…maybe last time I was in London. It’s an odd thing to hear in english for me…

I woke myself up early to get to the vespa shop early…it hasn’t been run since Monday…he fixed it…no problem. I took a trip to Lerici, and got gas at the edge of town. About a minute after getting gas it started having problems…grrr….I think I know why. Easily fixed, but instead of actually going to Lerici I just had to drive through and go back home in a hurry. It only ran with the choke on and I couldn’t do anything about it at that moment. So I wasted the afternoon…sitting on the corner with a broken down machine in a country where you don’t speak the language is just another immigrant experience that is AMAZING!!!! Not stressful at all!

So I made it home and since the Johnny fox is open at 4 on the weekends I decided to go in search of some english footy. found it. Liverpool lost, but I was happy to watch some Premiership football. It’s been a while since I’ve seen some quality football.

Then come home and get a call from Daniele indicating that I was volunteered to make Mexican food…as long as the vespa starts I’ll be leaving for Massa shortly. 🙂

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