it’s a ridiculously nice day in Tuscany…

I suppose I should review my ‘Balkans/Budapest trip a bit before I forget…in concise points

  • Taxi drivers will rip you off every chance they get, so agree to a price before you go anywhere.
  • I never really felt fully safe except in Zagreb. Dudes just hanging out on street corners just looking dodgy. If you’ve walked through or near the red light in Frankfurt you basically get the idea of what all the major streets in Sarajevo, Belgrade and Budapest feels like.
  • Budapest has a reputation for really hot girls, but I gotta say that Zagreb was better.
  • People may not speak english, but they probably speak German. You can get by in the Balkans and Hungary better if you speak Deutsch.
  • Keep your wallet in a zipped pocket. I did, but it basically means you can’t take your coat off for the whole trip.
  • Don’t smoke whilst walking down the street. People will stop you every couple minutes.

That’s all I can remember right now…Berger, did I miss anything?

As the subject says it’s a really nice day today. Must be about 16° and gorgeous. I’m loving this weather.

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