Today after work I asked a colleague to drop me near the Blockbuster so I could buy a couple DVDs so I have something to do on x-mas. I did that and whilst waiting for the bus a car stops and honks.
It’s a guy who works at a pub/restaurant I frequent. He speaks about 2 words of english, and I’ve had almost no interaction with him beyond saying ciao to each other…Yes, he stopped for me and gave me a ride. I thought that was very nice of him, and a credit to the Italians.
Maybe it’s the small town life, but a semi-stranger stopped for me on the side of the road and gave me a ride. Not bad!
So after Croatia the plan is Sarajevo for 2 nights. I’m still kind of undecided on what to do after Bucarest. Still thinking Romania…
This is the first x-mas I’ve really pretty much had nothing at all to do…good thing I bought 3 movies 😉
My to-do list does not shrink…it just sort of compresses by default. I was saying a couple weeks ago that I need a bigger backpack for this trip. Did I buy one? Of course not!!! I have a backpack that normally holds 3 days of clothes with a strain…Umm…so this is a 9 day trip. Am I screwed? Yes I am!!! I’m thinking sweatshirt every day…thus saving room in the bag…PANTS ONLY!!!
I’ll be chilling at a laundromat in some random European capital.
Please listen for and heed that small voice that may say , caution ; as you travel about.