This much freedom can only lead to liberty.

So Berger is coming to visit the day after x-mas…Originally we were just gonna spend 2 or 3 days in Florence (cuz it’s more exciting than Carrara)….This has now morphed into a 10 day all-Europe (30 countries) train pas….ummmm….as the subject says.

We’re still spending a day or two in Florence…then heading east. We can go as far as the Russia border. Originally Berger wanted Prague for New Years, but I think we’re both pretty flexible and are happy to just head wherever 😉
geez…I haven’t been this excited for anything in a while…

First stop probably Zagreb, Croatia…We have no plans after that. We’ve discussed Sarajevo, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, Romania, Bulgaria… (I could name countries in Romania and Bulgaria, but you would just say….huh?!? Where’s that?)
So dad if you want something to worry about it’s not raw meat…it’s eastern europe 😉

Berger has to leave back to Frankfurt on the 1st, but I just today decided to take the rest of the next week off, so I’ll be alone for a few days. I’ve pondered going as far east as I can possibly get, or head south to Greece and take a ferry over to Italy…Either way this is gonna be great!!!!
LOTS of pics to be up after the first week in January…stay tuned!

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