stupid observations…

Tonight I twice noticed a dog wandering the streets…it was the same dog I noticed both times and it reminded me that I’ve often seen dogs wandering the streets not as strays, but as almost people like…They stay on the sidewalks. They look both ways before crossing the streets and they always tip their waitresses (ok…nobody tips here)…but you get the point. The dogs are very well trained here. I assume these are well taken care of dogs that have owners who can’t bother leaving their place to walk the dogs. They just turn them out and trust they will be ok (and they are)…When the dogs are done they know where to go back home. I saw this once…Some dog I thought was a stray basically ignored me as it was on it’s way home…I passed it later pacing outside of a doorway that was obviously it’s home.

That’s the end of observation number 1….

OK…we have thunder and lightning again tonight…
A couple weeks ago there was a similar storm and the thunder seemed to be very different than anything I had known before…It wasn’t worthy of it’s own entry, but since I’m on the mundane I’ll mention it…
In Oregon the thunder would go for a second or two, but during this storm the other night the thunder would go continuously for many many seconds…and it seemed to basically go out of hearing distance…which is to say it never really stopped, it just sort of moved away and faded…which is to say it would start loudly and move for 10 seconds away from me…It never stopped it just faded from earshot.

How boring is that?

Tune in tomorrow when I come up with something stupid to move this entry down…

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