Day of the dead and all that…

Busy weekend I think…tomorrow going to the Comics and animation fest in Lucca (with a probably sleepover at Matteo’s) and then to Florence on Sunday for halloween (party at some hostel “filled with American girls”). Followed be a sleepover at Leo’s.
Nevermind that I don’t find american girls at hostels interesting…and I suppose they feel the same about me…

I’ll have a go anyways…Back here on Monday or Tuesday…

Monday is a holiday…November 1…Day of the dead (I think  it’s called). I guess it’s another Catholic thing…When I was still in Portland I had a Mexican colleague and he told me that it was a day of remembering your ancestors. The families all go to the graves of the dead ones and pretty much throw a party…food…drinks…candles…memories…etc…etc…etc…et al.
I have noone to celebrate, but if I wander upon a cemetary I’ll stop in…I am fond of cemetaries.
I will have both cameras with me (I was told that at the comic fest there will be lots of pictures to be had)…cemetery pics are probably more exciting, but time will tell 🙂

On a completely unrelated note…
I found this interesting:
but it’s a topic I like to follow…

I don’t really have the energy of focus to tie this into the “internet kill switch” (which may or may not have anything to do with national security) and then to even further tie this into a joke about americans who are oblivious to important issues (such as the link, or terrorism, or climate change, or hypocrisy) until something critical happens at which point said americans would find a way to assign blame to someone “else”…These are the same people who blame our fine President Obama for the economy but it has never even crossed their mind that they should blame Bush for 2001…

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