It’s been a while since I’ve done that eh?
So last night whilst spending a bit of time with the frenchie (via Brussels), and the world citizen (swiss-ghana via Paris) it occured to me again that people who are living outside their own country seem much more interesting than people living inside their own country.
I assume this is due to the open-mindedness one needs to leave their homeland. It’s just sort of a subliminal mindset you have to carry with you. Not something us foreigners think about after a certain amount of time (hey, I’m a foreigner. I don’t fit in here!).
To be clear this is completely different than being a tourist somewhere.
This reminds me a bit of my friend Luca from Frankfurt. He’s Italian, but I know him from Frankfurt. I spent a few days with him in rome at x-mas time and it was just slightly different to see him in his own country around his own friends and family. Not a huge difference, but a very subtle difference in…timing…
that’s a weird word to use, but I’m not sure how else to describe it. Just slightly more at ease and maybe it’s the language thing. He was speaking more italian than english (with his friends etc). Whereas in Frankfurt he had to speak his second language the whole time. It’s definitely more than language, but that’s an obvious thing…