This question occurred to me the other night and it reminded me of way back in school days (a waaay fuzzy memory) when I used to love starting a story with one sentence and then passing it to friends who would also write one sentence and pass it on.
I don’t know where I got the idea (I always find out later that it was never really my idea – I probably overheard it/them somewhere else), but I always seemed to enjoy it more than my friends. We’d sometimes have several going at once so that I didn’t have to wait more than 2 minutes to get something passed to me 😉
Anyways it’s best to do this with just a few friends because at some point someone had the bright idea to pass it to every single person in the class (whether they knew how it was supposed to work or not)…Somehow that one ended up in the teachers hands (and even worse it had morphed into a story about the teacher – haha).
One time I tried this and one guy I didn’t know basically took the 4 sentences that had been written so far and proceeded to write about 10,000 words on his own. This irritated me 🙂
Anyways so I had a brilliant idea for my novel (yes, a midget is the main character and yes in the final scene he is shot out of a cannon – to his death btw) and at the same time realized everything is crowd sourced these days (didn’t that guy from weezer do a whole album this way?)…but has anyone used google docs or something to say write a beginning, middle and end to a story (or more like plot points really), and then turned it loose onto the net with some mechanism to allow the owner to edit it, but not allow any one person to write more than a few sentences/paragraphs/pages at a time?
As usual I thought of this on my own, but I’m sure I’m not the first person to think of it…
“…but has anyone used google docs or something to say write a beginning, middle and end to a story (or more like plot points really)”
What other parts to a story are there apart from the beginning, middle and end? Can we contribute the second and third sixths of the story?
Ok technically speaking it shouldn’t be too hard:
– Use PHP to include the contents of a text file on a page (fairly easy, google “php include” or i can help you)
– Include a html text input box in a form and set a character limit (
– Append line to end of word document. (
But you’d be opening up a whole load of issues…particularly being spammed like a person who gets spammed a lot. You’d have to stop people inserting links etc as well.
Why don’t you just alter the way the comments are displayed and use the existing security of the wordpress comments? If you ask nicely to limit the word count im sure people would adhere to a certain degree….alcohol notwithstanding…
ok. Plot points is a better term. You can stick your 2/6ths 😉
Midget is offered 5 million € in exchange for 1 year working for someone – followed by 5 years to do what he wants – followed by death at hands of his “owner”.
Midget accepts offer and commits crimes (thus locking him into this agreement).
Midget has 5 years of freedom and 5 million €.
Midget wanders and wonders.
5 years later. Midget dies in a spectacular cannon shooting
and the crowd fills in the details…I obviously have more ideas for a story 😉 (I’d buy it!!!), but I just mean setting up a series of random plot points at random intervals and letting the crowd at it!
…but I see your point for just making a page with a single entry and let people comment. One could edit and steer via comments. I guess that would work.
Did you have creative writing at school? Was that back in the black and white days? It sounds like you are already giving the meat and potatoes and only offering us the flowery, descriptive padding… i didn’t sign up for this…
I thought the minute he accepted the offer he would be bound into the agreement? What does committing crimes have to do with the price of fish?
Yeah. I’m actually 143 years old.
But I’m doing you a favour by letting you put in the flowers…Think of something like Kill Bill
1) Girl is wronged
2) Girl wants revenge
3) Girl gets revenge
It’s all about the flowers.
I was trying to think of a scenario where one wouldn’t just take the money and go hide somewhere. He was given a phone with google maps 🙂
couldn’t think of a trigger to make sure he returned in 5 years other than a belief that he deserved to die or a threat to someone he cared about. Since we all know midgets don’t have feelings the latter option was out 😉
ok wait…it occurs to me that guilt is a feeling. Let me rephras…Everyone knows midgets have feelings, but everyone also knows that midgets can’t make social connections and thus never have friends or anyone they care about 😉
I would have put you in the mid 70’s so i was way off…gramps!
I think your character is lacking honour if his only motivation is to avoid the death of himself or someone close. Apparently midgets are emotional mercenaries…
Is there like a midget equivalent of the RSPCA that i can report you to?
You can just forward your complaint to me. I’ll take care of it…or go up to the first midget you see and tell him you know a guy who is writing a story about shooting one of “them” out of a cannon.
Then ask him or her if it’s available for stenographer duties…I’m hiring 😉
Well my first thought was what kind of situation would someone have to be if they agreed to sell their life after only 5 years? if it was 20, 30, or 40 years then a lot of people would consider it, but to give up your life in 5 years you would probably have to have something terminal, or be 90 years old…Those aren’t interesting charachters. It would have to be a lowlife with no other real options, really low self-esteem and/or be depressed…One could choose a heroine addicted stripper or something…but again. no fun in that choice? 🙂
One word….emo
Every combination of notes has been played at every tempo, every combination of words have been used together, every situation has been experienced…
Art sucks!!!