I finally got a fan. The store close to me was all sold out by the time I got home yesterday so today I went to Carrefour (the wal-mart wannabe) at lunchtime.
It took a bit of magical engineering to get the fan home (due to it’s size and me being on the Vespa), but I did it. I figured I was being quite clever, but then I realized every Vespa and motorbike owner has probably had to go through the same scenario already…so then I figured I wasn’t so clever. I’m always coming up with genius ideas after several other people have. It’s like I was born at the wrong time…
Tomi and Berger are booked for a trip here in August. I was excited until I realized I have to do a proper cleaning 😉
The rank outsider in the field is Father who flies home the evening we fly back into Wankfurt. If the flights align you might have a third….i’ve got first dibs on the waitress…i mean balcony…..dammit. My priorities get screwed in the evening….
P.s. I kind of have a blog post…but haven’t been able to judge if it’s a good idea to post it or not…somewhat controversial…i need more time.
The most efficient use of a fan is to place it in a window, with appropiate blockage around the edges. Then open a window on the cooler side of the building. Better results than just blowing air around a room.
@Tomi: If Father came that would pretty much make me giddy…Just buy him a ticket and use whatever means necessary to bring him…
I’m suddenly having flashbacks of him the last time we were all traveling together (to-do: delete the pictures of father in red panties)…
I suppose that means I have to give up my bed. I think I can manage for a couple nights. Actually I have a quite comfortable lounge on the balcony so someone sleeps there. Since you love mosquitos so much you are nominated…and since it’s my place my nomination counts for 4 votes so consider yourself screwed…which makes me think of waitress.
I am now nominating you to be banned from anyplace with waitresses…again…my place my rules 😉
@dad (not to be confused with father): You just ruined my next post where I was going to take the opportunity to thank the people who invented electricity, the electric motor, and fan blades. It was going to be the greatest entry ever!!!
Actually my flat is 1 room. Slightly bigger than your living room with the door on one side and the balcony door on the other. No chance for fancy engineering in this place, but the fan is a HUGE help. I’m sleeping quite well the last two nights…