After a hard night of drinking prosecco and wine at a colleagues on Friday night I managed to tear myself up early with the plan to head to Pisa. My intention was to visit a certain guitar shop there. Unfortunately they were closed…”causa matrimoniale” it said on the door…I assume that means “because of wedding”…Italian is so much easier than Deutsch.
Anyways so with nothing to do but sweat (men are men so they must stink -Diego)I dinked around Pisa for a bit and found a bookstore with a decent english section. I bought a couple books plus another Italian language tutorial thingy…It’s put out by Berlitz and is geared for native english speakers. I must say it’s pretty good compared to some of the other books I have (which are geared towards all non-italian speakers). Since the explanations are in English in the Berlitz book it’s fairly educational.
to my colleagues: Don’t expect miracles 😉
Today I think I pretty much did nothing but read (almost done with my Murakami book), take a nap whilst watching a movie, and eat…and sweat…and take 2 showers (so far).