Frankfurt wrap-up

So while Matt was sleeping in on Sunday morning I copies all his photos from his birthday party on Saturday night…(Don’t worry Matt. You can still post them. I don’t think anyone but you, my parents and a couple italians read this…)

So anyway. Saturday was Matt’s birthday and the main reason I went to Frankfurt over the last two weeks. I didn’t get to do all the things I meant to do, but it was still a GREAT two weeks and was incredible to see the old gang.
On Friday night I did feed Africa…that was weird…I’m just not gonna put the details in here…It was too weird. 😀

So here’s the Saturday pics. It all started on the Ebbelwoi Express…that’s a tram for tourists that basically runs around Frankfurt and let’s people drink Apfelwein (a local Frankfurt speciality – it’s just a sour apple wine). After the tram Shaun and I went to the pub while everyone else went to the River for a couple hours before joining Shaun and I at the pub (how horrible is that sentence…hopefully the Italians aren’t taking english lessons from me)…

It ended with me babysitting Matt and Phong… 😉 I got them home…

After I got home I shaved and went into work for half a day today even though I had the day off…I screwed up or something… 🙁

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