I forgot about those two things that the Germans love. Change purses I’m sure everyone understands, but inspection plates might need an explanation…uhhh….the toilets here have a weird shape with a large flat area to collect the numbers twosies…that way you can inspect when you’re finished. Health reasons I’m sure…
I’ve been here for 8 days already. Is that right? Crazy times 🙂 Having lots of fun in Frankfurt.
Random quotes so far:
Luca: If you want an italian girl you must shave your beard.
Berger: When I first met you I thought you were a badass. Then the next time I met you you were all sensitive and shit…
Mel: Rhona said you were her favourite ex-pat
Me: really!?!
Mel: Well second favourite, behind Catholicism.
A few random pics from the past week.
hey… on pictures i can see a more confortable flat than your here, not only for the absence of beer bottles all around but even the nice female presence 🙂
take care
yes…I may have rediscovered my mojo here in Frankfurt. I seem to be able to talk to women here 😀
I am glad you cook with charcoal.
I had no idea you were a charcoal fascist 🙂
I was just a victim of the charcoal. I’m not sure I knew what was really happening…