congrats america…you might be about to go from being the only first world country without (semi) universal health care to having the worst health care system in the first world. Wait…might be an invalid argument….let me rephrase.
You went from having one of the better second world health care systems to having the worst first world health care system…
Baby steps…
You embarrass me.
A bill that reduces the deficit AND saves lives via the private sector…Thank you republicans for standing up for your principals and shepherding this through.
Anyone that calls the Pres a socialist is an ignorant idiot, and should instantly lose all credibility…Only in america.
This is a republican bill…This is Romneycare. This is Nixoncare. This is a disgrace.
I can’t believe there hasn’t been a bigger push for proportional representation (at a state level) via signatures. Someone wasted a crisis.