So for the past few days I’ve been copying and pasting old entries (pre 2008) into this new format. It’s kind of a time consuming process because I have to reupload all the photos (with my crappy half an internet connection)…anyways if anyone is interested you can find links on the right by month going back to 2006…Not all old entries are up yet so give me another day or two. You can now leave comments on the old entries.
It’s very strange to go through 3 and a half years of memories in a few days. Kind of overwhelming. I’ve laughed a lot and been sad a lot.
This is me taking a break because I can’t look at the old entries for a minute…ugh! by this point I just want it to be done…
I took a break earlier for a bit of shopping. Bought razors, face cream, toothbrushes, and a laundry basket (I had been using an ikea bag). Now all I really need is a dresser and a thing to hang my wet clothes on.
I also played a bit of guitar today. I somehow feel like I’m getting slightly better…