I made it home OK. The train trip is quite nice so that’s not a pain. When the taxi man is hiding in the coffee shop and does not come out to check to see if anyone (me) is standing next to his taxi that is a pain, but alas, it happened eventually.
I may have said this before, but what a great week! Luca is the greatest tour guide ever, and we were staying at his mom’s house who I guess is a typical Italian mom. She doted over me (and everyone else), which was kind of nice. Luca’s family and friends were all great.
Luca is really the only one who speaks english fluently, so I was forced to attempt Italian. It didn’t always work, but it was a good experience. We all laughed at our failures.
I bought a couple of learn Italian type books so I guess I have no excuses. It was somewhat inspiring to be in Rome and around Italians.
When I get more pics from Luca I’ll post them on the Roma pic page.
Cheers again mate. I had lots of fun.
Words I learned this week:
busta=stop/enough…As in “I’ve had enough food” or “Stop bringing me food”.
fico=fig…Difficult one that. I also learned that if you make it feminine it’s an insult/bad word
mangare=eat…We ate well.
I somehow feel mentally better than I have since I’ve moved here. Relaxed, refreshed, refocused. It feels good!
I just downloaded some El-P, and Autolux. Cleaned a bit. Trying to catch up on laundry and soon off to the Focacceria.
I am seriously doubtfull that italians will understand if you say “busta” (which means plastic bag) instead of “basta” (which means stop)…Now you do not have anymore excuses, you must learn italian if you want to survive in Italy…the next post I will write will be in italian!
Cheers mate
Take care
It was great to see you again
Thanks Luca for having joe over and hanging out with him over Christmas holidays
Joes mom
Yeah Luca. You’re right. I remember when I learned the word someone actually said “Basta like pasta”. I’ll be looking forward to my first Italian only entry as well…that’s bound to be good 😉