being able to call germany gets me a guilt trip and not much else…

My phone works internationally…I’ve just learned I ought not to call anyone 😉

Visiting cemetaries as a hobby apparently has a name….I just like old cemetaries to see who married their first cousins…I didn’t know it was called graving. (see the London Jan. 2008 link).
I’m suddenly surprised I only have 1 london page…I’ve been there several times….I guess the last was Jan 08…That was ages ago. Who wants to meet me in London? I need a holiday!

I find myself using “und” and “mit” all the time in with my bit of italian…as in “un pizza mit cotto (ham) und mozzarella (it’s a cheese and it’s good)”. I should probably try to remember the Italian words for “with” and “and”. 🙂
Maybe I should just chuck it and move to esperantoland. With a bit of german, a bit of italian and a bit of english I should be able to manage esperanto (my favorite part…1,000 native speakers). There’s actually quite an esperanto library here in Massa.

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