always end with a ska tune, a waltz, then a metal song…

Had a great weekend in Köln with Matt and Phong.

I guess you could say the point of the trip was to see Puts Marie…The first time I saw Puts Marie was at dreikönigskeller 2 years ago (to the day). They were supposed to play there again the night before but ditched it “for more money”. That show 2 years ago was absolutely one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. I think Matt said they were the greatest band he ever saw for 5€. I concur sir!!! They also happen to be the greatest band I’ve ever seen for 6€ as well. and the greastest swiss band I’ve ever seen or heard (ok that’s prob not saying much).
…and super nice guys…One of them spent a year in Portland.

drummer: “Do you know Jake…crazy jake”
me: yes!!!

How many jakes does he think there are in Portland?

Here’s some links. Quality isn’t so great, but oh well:

and some photos…(more later).

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