gee…it’s been a while since I’ve updated…let’s see, I have 3 seminal events that are of interest to you dear reader…and two of them happened in the past 2 hours…
ok 4….
ok 5….

1. I saw someone under 40 at the fish restaurant near my flat….this was one of those surreal moments for me where you basically see something so unusual that your head spins and you realize there is nowhere else in the world that you’d rather be at that moment…cuz it’s weird…

2. I watched ‘Leon the Profi’. In the states this was a movie with Jean Reno titled ‘the professional’. The European version was longer and is better…it’s not often that you can watch a movie alone and cry and laugh out loud during the same 106 minutes. I’ll have to watch again, but this might make my top 20 list of all time flicks…great movie.

3. A completely countrified version of ‘lookin out my back door’. there’s some festival below my flat and it seems they are have live musicians playing american country music, but Lookin out my back door takes the cake…

4. I ran out of toilet paper…in retrospect this might not be so important, but since it just happened today it takes on extra relevance…I think I just bought 24 rolls last weekend…I think Matt made a comment once about women eating toilet paper…it’s true…

5. I ate joey’s pizza…unlike the last entry, this will be one of the important events of my year…

OK I just thought of 6.
6. I had an idea for my novel this week. This happened during work (j: you really don’t have a lot to do at work do you?). yes, for those of you in the know there will be a little person character. I’m thinking about you Peter Dinklage…

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