my greatest theory idea ever

So it’s pres campaign season in the states – as even the Europeans know (Stop caring who the president of the US is…it shouldn’t affect you).

As is typical we hear about the lies, campaign promises, flip flops, complaints about media treatment etc. The issues change, but the pattern does not…

It’s time for a new method to elect a president. Instead of listening to campaign promises and deciding who to vote for based on whatever words happen to be coming out of the candidates mouths at whatever moment you were paying attention to them why not vote based on psychological profile of a particular candidate?

Do a profile of every candidate to test things  that might be important qualities to have in a president like: lying ability, paranoia, trustworthiness, scepticism, optimism, compassion, hunger, bullying ability, pragmatism, nationalism, empathy, competitiveness, artistic ability, moral ambiguity, persuasiveness, salesmanship, sense of humour, etc
…and certain facts could be taken into account…Grades, birth order, achievements.
Of course someone will have to decide which of those qualities are actually important in a president…(any ideas people what are those qualities? Send me an email…).

it’ll give the pundits something new to talk about….all previous presidents could have this same sort of analysis/profile done and that could be used to compare current candidates with previous presidential qualities…
Pundit: “well Chuck, we haven’t seen a president with a paranoia level this low since Lincoln…if only HE’D been a little more paranoid…”
Pundit: : “well Chuck, we haven’t seen a president this hungry since Taft”.

(that line is sort of assuming that “Chuck Russert” reaches his potential)

Question 1: Do you see the hypocrisy of one nation having a weapon, using that weapon and then telling other countries it’s wrong for them to have that type of weapon because they might actually use it?

Let the primaries go on as normal, so the mindless/stupid people could just blindly vote for their parties choice, but after a few election cycles there would be patterns emerging…A republican who has great lying ability, is high in compassion…well you get the idea…
There would even be no need to campaign anymore…the people that wanted to be educated could read their voter pamphlets…and the ones that didn’t want to be educated could just do whatever they’re told…

…OR another option would be the “choose your own adventure” method…give the candidates the same choose your own adventure book and see how each of them would do in a certain scenario…yeah that’s a good one too…

Best result of this test would be that “americas best and brightest” might actually run for president…As it is now the people that run for president are politicians…lying, cheating, diving bastards…

This  might be the greatest idea for a thesis I’ve ever had…or possible I might just call ‘bullshit’ on myself…

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