
I had all sorts of things to write, but no time this week…so I’m just going to summarize and I know it won’t make sense…

1) The weather – still raining and cloudy almost everyday…the trees seem confused. I think we’ve gotten more rain in June, July, August than in the first 5 months of the year combined.
2) apfelecke…mmmmm
3)I found a ‘proper grocery store’ on the way to work…then I started thinking about how small it actually in…In the states you can’t find proper stores this small…It’s about twice the size of a large convenience store in the states…but has meat, a bakery, alcohol, and fresh produce…strange eh…I still have to go almost every day (sometimes twice a day) because I only have my backpack to carry stuff home in.

4) My US friend (there’s really only one of you…)…I’ll call him “ERIC”*** (***not his real name) says he is voting for McCain “because he’s not a real republican” and “he’s not religious”…why is he playing one…Knowing that he’s a hypocrite and then expecting him to change after he’s elected yet still voting for him…politicians is politicians…I’d rather vote for an honest person that I completely disagreed with then a lying one who I completely agree with…
5)Why can’t foreign born US Citizens be president? The first 7 presidents were not, and I guess it’s true…they were all crap…Martin vanBuren was the first president born on US soil and as far as I’m concerned he IS the first president of the US 😉 oooh sarcasm…
If McCain could have Schwarzenegger as his VP maybe I could get behind him…
6) ‘schwanzgesteurt’ is my new Deutsch word of the day…translates to ‘dick driven’ or ‘he thinks with his balls’….I love my colleagues… 🙂
7) The nice relaxing visit I had planned to the states is getting very busy…so much for relaxing eh???

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