Scheisse die Wand an

Learning the idioms of a language must be one of the great joys (things like “it’s raining cats and dogs” or “can I give you a hand”)…a colleague taught me “Scheisse die Wand an”.
Literally “Shit on the wall” (shit the wall on)…means something like “shit happens”.
however now that I’m thinking about it…”shit happens” probably need some ‘splainin’ as well…

Marius…Cheers for the advice to get Roth-Händle. I will never ever ever take your advice again…jerk! 😉

So tonight went to the english cinema sneak preview…they show a movie that hasn’t come out yet here and they don’t tell you what it is…
watching a movie you haven’t heard of, and don’t know anything about is kind of strange. I think it was called Nim’s Island with Jodie Foster and a few other people I never heard of….she got old…
From Taxi driver to Cynthia Nixon (that’s not a compliment) in 30 years flat…Must be hard being a woman…

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