Walking home from Sachs

Wow my deutsch has progressed to the point that I can actually translate rammstein lyrics on occasion…

Ich habe keine lust!

mir ist kalt!

I haven’t walked home from Sachsenhausen in months…(ok 3 kings doesn’t count), but I tonight I walked across the bridge with the swans and David Lynch art (which is it’s own distinct memory) and couldn’t help but remember when I was still travelling here on business…I would always get off at Südbahnhof and walk (often to the Zeil…or wherever I would end up). I think I got off there cuz I just didn’t know where else to go and I figured I could always find my way back there…Got lost many times (the joy of travel), but only once was I so lost I was close to panicking….and that time I was really not that far from Hauptbahnhof and I ended up just walking along the train tracks and then found a sign for Hauptbahnhof though it was about dark by this point…

Why am I telling this engaging story….
well I was just asking myself that same question…
it’s in my head so I type….
This is not for you…this is for my old age…
Good night people…

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