out of context quote:
we’ll be like 10 Al Gores…your beard…my glue stick and my herpes…

I’m sure it’s even weird in of context, but to be honest I can’t remember what the context was…I’m sure I was making a point…I often do…It’s just my nature 😉

why is europe scared to stand up to the states…the Europe has a larger economy and more people yet they act like babies whilst deferring to the states…

why does a mac with a 17 inch screen cost 3 times more than a wintel machine with the same screen size?

I saw two midgets in wheelchairs last night…Might have been the highlight of my day… I especially like how Mel was trying to not laugh because I was making fun of people in wheelchairs again…but as soon as she heard the word midget it was immediately funny.

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