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So a colleague has to buy a second condolence card this week and I said you should just buy a 12 pack (wow have I always been such an insensitive jerk?). Now that we’re old it’s only going to get worse from here.

My apologies to all the people in the states (and wherever else I’ve been) who will die before I ever see you again…it’s not that I don’t care.

I’ve been saying this for years, but never on this page…when I die I want my funeral to be me being fed to alligators or piranhas or something…Have me chopped into little bits and anyone who wants to throw a piece of me to the alligators can do so…how cool would it be if someone got too close and the alligators ate someone besides me….and i want circle of life to be played repeatedly while this is all happening…actually people should hold hands and sing along…

and i wonder as i sit here by myself, if one is not truly happy alone if they can ever be truly happy with other people.

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