The fake green lit up tree hanging on the side of Paulskirche is taunting me. It’s there for the xmas market, but the market has yet to open…

I’m already annoyed at the number of slow moving people in the area. i think I complained about it last year and I’m sure I’ll complain about it this year.

I watched some cartoon dubbed into Deutsch and it seems they don’t have commercial breaks during TV here…I remember thinking when I went to Denver last year that there were WAAAAAAY too many commercial breaks on american TV and it’s basically unwatchable because of that.

I have not driven a car in over a year…weird one that…

sorry if you came to this page hoping to be offended…I don’t have it in me yet today 😉

…and for the record…I am not interested in the England job…but thanks for the consideration…

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